Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scotch regions and their unique flavors

Scotch, as we already know, is produced in Scotland.  However, the whisky is not made throughout the country; rather it is produced only in certain regions.  There are five primary (some argue six) scotch whisky production regions, namely: Highland, Lowland, Speyside, Campbeltown and Islay.  There is also "Islands", which comprise all of the whisky producing islands in Scotland except Islay.  The Islands is typically considered as part of the Highland district, but with its unique offerings, some argue that it deserves recognition as its own region. 

Although each whisky made at different distilleries is unique, the malts produced in each region have some common characteristics that separate them from scotch from other regions.

The Highlands is the largest of the whisky producing regions in Scotland and generally produces more full-bodies whiskies with deeper notes of peat and smoke.  Due to the vastity of the region, Highland whiskies often taste very different from each other, from the extreme heathery, spicy character of Northern Highlands to the fruity whiskies of the Southern Highlands.

Famous distilleries: Oban, Glenmorangie, Dalmore.

There are only three operating distilleries remaining in the Lowlands.  Lowlands is located at the southernmost part of Scotland, and is a flat region with no mountains.  Scotch from this region are generally considered as the most light bodied of the Single Malts.

Famous (remaining) distilleries: Glenkinchie, Bladnoch, Auchentoshan

Speyside, the undisputed center for whisky in Scotland, boasts the highest concentration of distilleries (more than half the distilleries in Scotland are located in Speyside).  Although the Speyside region is geographically part of the Highlands, it is considered a separate region because of its unique characteristics.  The region received its name from the river Spey, which cuts through the area.  Many of the distilleries use water straight from the river Spey in their production process.  Speyside scotch are thought to be the country's most complex, and is known for their sweetness and elegant flavors and aromas. 

Famous distilleries: Glenlivet, Glenfiddich, Macallan, and blends like Johnnie Walker and Chivas Regal.

Once the whisky capital of Scotland, there are only three distilleries remaining in Campbeltown.  The Scotch here is peaty, and has a salty hint and a briny character. 

Famous (remaining) distilleries: Glen Scotia, Glengyle, Springbank.

Pronunced "eye-luh", Islay scotch is considered to be the smokiest and strongest-flavored (some say it tastes of the sea) of the single malts.  Their strong flavor is believed to be due to the region's exposure to the high winds and seas of the west coast

Famous distilleries: Laphroaig, Lagavulin, Bowmore, Ardbeg.

Though not considered by all as a region of its own, scotch from the Islands can be described as a milder version of Islay whisky (sort of like a hybrid between Highland and Islay whiskies). 

Famous distilleries: Highland Park, Talisker.


  1. Good Info man I really didnt know all that about Scotland

    1. You stupid mother... JUST KIDDING!!! I didn’t know all of that info(especially about some considering Scotland divided into SIX regions) either. I’m tickling the bottom of a bottle of one of Islay’s best-Lagavulin 16 yr, opened just a few hours ago by myself, so please pardon the crude attempt at humor. It was a short but very informative guide to the regions.

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  2. Very interesting, I'd love to have a scotch after reading this :)

  3. very interesting, you made me buy some scotch when i went grocery shopping today

  4. Wow, I had no idea about this. Got me craving scotch now on a Tuesday night!

  5. Good info, its nice to know about the background and culture of the drink.

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  6. Which do you find produces the best tasting scotch?

  7. Thats yummy!


  8. nice blog! Good stuff!!!

  9. Glenfiddich, ardbeg are a couple nice ones. good post

  10. You caught my attention with Scotch. This truly is a manly blog man. Following and supporting!


  11. nice to see the background behind the scotch

  12. I didn't know so much about wiskey! I could go for some whiskey right now :)

  13. Drinking some right now brah!


  14. Going to have to pick me up some Scotch in the near future. Followed.


  15. hey guy! thanks for the follow, i didnt realize until just now though lol you shoulda posted your link or something :P

    a like so:

  16. yo!
    cool blog!!
    keep it up!

    you follow me: http://all-around-toto.blogspot.com
    and I will return the favor ;)

  17. Nice blog....I love me some scotch....for Islay try out McLelland....cheap and very smooth

  18. I will take 3 fingers of your finest highland peat juice please.

  19. you sir, have fine tastes. awesome stuff. anyone that follows me let me know with a comment and ill follow back

  20. This is an interesting blog. Following!

    Follow me if you haven't already guys.

  21. After reading this post I'd like a nice bottle of Lowland scotch to keep me company.

  22. God, I just love your passion for Scotch. That's hardcore.


  23. Good idea with the db lunges on my blog...and great info there

  24. Well now, this is good to know! I'll keep it in mind when we visit Scotland ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog, I like yours, following! :D

  25. How do you find your knowledge of the various scotches changes your enjoyment of them? Do you find you have a prejudice against cheaper or less well received scotches, that you might otherwise have enjoyed?

    1. I consider myself well versed on most whisky. I like to try new things, and travel my ancestral country through a glass of neat. After thoroughly enjoying many $4-500 bottles of rare, long aged scotch, I honestly get 99% of the same enjoyment from the tried and true: Laphroaig 10 year($48), and If you’re heavy in the pockets, Lagavulin 16 yr($135) stands up to any price range. Please take into account that I favor the Islay regionals.

  26. Scotch from scotland... Durrrrrr I never knew :p


  27. More of a whiskey man myself but good blog is good blog.


  28. very nice post. following bro


  29. when i first saw your blog, i didn't think you would be able to update so much with quality information. I'm amazed at how much there is to know about scotch.. and how much you do know about it. interesting stuff brah. keep it up

    1. Scotch is the rabbit hole, like music. You can dig as deep as you like and never find the end of the voyage. Thank God!!

  30. sorry about that (haha). i'll make sure to put "NSFW" next time i post material that is NSFW

  31. love this blog, good read. I have something to talk about at the bar now.

  32. Nice blog. Time to get some scotch.

    Check out my blog.....Follow/Comment Thanks.

  33. Islay all the way. Bowmore for value, Lagavulin for pungency and a new one Caol Ila for a nice peppery highlight.

  34. Good info. I only had actually known about the Highland production, so that's pretty cool. Thanks.

  35. interesting post, followin you

  36. great info


  37. can someone import scotch into the U.S.?

    just askin'

  38. I've never had Scotch, but I like trying different things. It wasn't too long ago that I started figuring out that butterscotch probably originated from scotch, just like butter rum came from rum. :)

    I follow all who follow me.

  39. Awesome man, love the scotch passion

    follow me brahs!


  40. Following you bro, nice blog can never get enough booze

  41. you have a really cool blog man. followed

  42. Fantastic post, good sir - using this for future reference.

  43. This really does help me understand that there IS a method of organization to the madness of Scotch.

    I follow and support those who do likewise.

  44. Johnnie Walker I AM.


  45. Can you name some of the famous peats there like Glen Machrie, River Spey?

  46. Scotch scotch, scotch ... I love scotch.

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  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I prefer the Speyside single malt scotch myself. Glenfiddish is my favorite and under $30 bucks for the GF12 is very affordable!

  51. Taste, of course, is subjective. There will be someone who will undoubtedly vouch for each region. Simple solution: TRY THEM ALL and decide for yourself! :P

  52. Thank you Chris ! I have been a Johnny Walker fan as far as I can remember. I love the Black and Green labels. To know the regions is awesome

  53. Very useful information as I am bartender thanks a lot

  54. I tried Ardbeg in a restaurant once and I couldn't believe my palate. Ss background, take note that I _like_ single malt scotch and have a drop almost every day after work, but this....dear Lord. It was a bit like licking an ashtray and chasing it with lighter fluid. Maybe I'll try it again sometime and see if I think differently ;)

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